Michael Harmon

Data Science Blog

Polars & DuckDB: DataFrames and SQL For Python Without Pandas

Creating An AI-Powered JFK Speech Writer: Part 2

Creating An AI-Powered JFK Speech Writer: Part 1

Text Classification 4: Deep Learning With Tensorflow & Optuna

Writing A Scikit-Learn Compatible Clustering Algorithm

Frequentist & Bayesian Statistics With Py4J & PyMC3

Text Classification 3: A Machine Learning Powered Web App

GreenBuildings3: Build & Deploy Models With MLflow & Docker

GreenBuildings2: Imputing Missing Values With Scikit-Learn

Text Classification 2: Natural Language Toolkit

Text Classification 1: Imbalanced Data

Numerical Linear Algebra In Machine Learning

Sentiment Analysis 2: Machine Learning with Spark

Sentiment Analysis 1: ETL With Spark and MongoDB

GreenBuildings1: Exploratory Analysis & Outlier Removal